
Being a vegetarian for more than eleven years, people are always asking me...BUT WHAT DO YOU EAT? Hopefully this blog will give readers some insight into the world of vegetarianism, and inspire those teetering but afraid of lack of food choices, to take that final step.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Labor Day Eats!

Today started out with some coffee, watermelon, kiwi, and some delicious plums I got from the farmer's market on sunday.
I ate a late lunch at Whole Foods in Columbus Circle. The Whole Foods in Columbus Circle is my favorite! They have a huge selection for their hot and cold bar. I got this yummy, healthy lunch for only around $9.
My box of healthy goodness had: -orzo salad wth feta and olives (my favorite thing I got) -lentil salad with parsley, tomato and carrot (also delicious) -tofu peanut broccoli salad (not too tasty) -some cucumbers, olives, and arugula (olives are my favorite) -quinoa with energy sprout salad and lemon parsley dressing (packed with protein) -a little taste of curry apple israeli couscous (kind of bland)
I washed it down with grapefruit juice.... I also tried these vegan kale chips. I love kale and it is SOOO good for you. I have been wanting to make kale chips and I found these which are made in Brooklyn.
For dinner I ate this at my job.
Shredded lettuce, avocado with lemon juice, rice and beans topped with pico de gallo, and tons of tabasco! :P I hope everyoe had a great holiday!

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