
Being a vegetarian for more than eleven years, people are always asking me...BUT WHAT DO YOU EAT? Hopefully this blog will give readers some insight into the world of vegetarianism, and inspire those teetering but afraid of lack of food choices, to take that final step.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Top Ramen Can Be Classy

It's 4a.m. I am home from work and I am hungry. You can't go to sleep hungry...What to make....? Ramen Noodles!  I like to "dress up" my ramen noodles so that they taste better and I get some actual nutrition (besides the 10% of daily iron in them).  Make sure if you use Top Ramen, use the Oriental flavor (wow what a politically incorrect way of naming noodles), because it is the only one that doesn't use meat broth.  Of course you can always use a healthier and more expensive version, such as Thai Kitchen Mushroom Noodle Bowl, which is advertises itself as vegan.

Put some water on to boil. I like to add more water than it calls for. While the water is boiling, chop up the vegetables and herbs and place them in a large bowl. Cook the noodles with their flavor packet and add some hot sauce or chili garlic sauce. Pour the soup over the raw vegetables that are in the bowl and add ground pepper. You can also add a dash of soy sauce and/or hot sesame oil. Tonight I added shredded carrots, snow peas, and cilantro.  Sliced mushrooms and red bell pepper are also great additions.

Now, does this have tons of sodium and MSG? Yes. Is this HEALTHY? Not really. But does this taste good and satisfy your appetite in a short amount of time? Yes.

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